3 Popular toxins in beauty products

Toxins in beauty products

Skin care has now become a very important part of a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary too, because, skin covers the outer body and makes the skin and body to be the most vulnerable to dust, pollution and other seasonal changes. A proper skin care routine is a combines taking care of the food intake and lifestyle as such and trough extensive use of beauty products. But care should be taken while using beauty products. Most beauty products promising excellent results can actually cause damage to the skin due to the presence of toxins. Here, we have shared, the most common toxins spotted in beauty products.

1. Parabens

Paraben is an ingredient which is used in cosmetics, deodorants, and various other skin care products. It is the most common type of preservative used to enhance the shelf life of the beauty products, and other pharmaceutical products. They are often proven to be highly toxic causing allergic reactions to the body. Although, parabens are generally used in a very small amount, and are the main source of estrogenic effect to the body. Estrogen is a common cause of breast cancer. These are present in the products like skin creams, lotions, moisturizers etc. The toxic effect of these chemicals increases because of the facts that unlike shampoos and soaps, the creams and lotions are not rinsed off. It is low in cost and thus is used in various skin and body products to preserve those.

2. Petrochemicals

All the skin care products contain certain amount of the synthetic substances which are generally petroleum based or petroleum jelly. The skin products containing these petrochemicals or petroleum products are the common cause of various health flaws such as anemia, kidney dis-functioning, and nerve damages etc. Petrolatum or petroleum jelly is an oil derivative product or chemical used because of its moisturizing properties. It is used in many skin lotions and moisturizers. These interfere with the body’s own moisturizing mechanism, thereby, leading to dryness and chapping of the skin. Various house hold products are also loaded with an adequate amount of petrochemicals and are becoming the common cause of cancer and other adverse effects to the body and skin.

3. Sodium lauryl or laureth sulfate

It is also called as sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) or sodium laureth sulfate (SLES). This is the most often used ingredient in shampoos. You can any time look upon the ingredients section of your shampoos. This ingredient or chemical is common cause for eye irritation and even damage, depression, and many other health related problems. This is a class of ingredient which is very harmful when mixed with the other chemicals of the beauty products.

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