4 Easy steps to conceal burn marks

Hiding burn marks with makeup

A lot of people suffer from blemishes or scars on their face or body. Dealing with these horrid marks is distressing. Thankfully with the help of a little makeup it is very easy and convenient to cover any kind of ghastly scars. Makeup cannot diminish the scars but it will cover them up and is an excellent quick fix. Here are 4 tips to hide burn marks.

1. Cleanse and moisturize your skin

Use a mild face wash and clean your face, it’ll clear off all the dirt particles from your face. It is very essential to do this before using any kind of makeup on your face. You can also use a cotton ball and clean your face with a mild cleansing milk.

Moisturizing your skin isn’t a temporary stint, it helps you in the long run by hydrating your skin. It is very essential to use a skin moisturizer after washing your face or body. It helps your skin regenerate. Choosing a cream that is rich, having a stronger texture brings more results. Carefully buy a cream that compliments your skin type.

2. Apply Primer to keep face makeup

A makeup primer retains your makeup. Especially if you are outside and you want your foundation and concealer to last longer. A primer makes your face smooth so you can uniformly apply makeup on your face. It is a must have for people with oily skin. After washing your face it is vital to hydrate skin and that can only be done through a moisturizing cream or a lotion. It is essential to choose one according to your skin type.

3. Use foundation and concealer

It’s easily available in almost every cosmetic store. Firstly pick the right color that matches your skin tone and choose a matte foundation as it gives a healthy, natural look. Use a cotton ball for the liquid foundation and apply it evenly on your face. It’ll cover the spots, pimples and make you skin glow. Use a concealer after applying foundation and it is essential to use a shade that is slightly lighter than your skin tone. A darker shade will make your makeup look very bad. Use cotton and dab a tiny part of concealer on the areas you have an acne or scars. Applying the right amount will work wonders to your skin.

If you have scars on your body and you’re afraid to wear a dress, shorts or anything that shows a little skin, then you should use a liquid body foundation. The right amount of body makeup can cover any kind of skin discoloration. Body foundation gives a smooth finish to body and legs making it look completely natural and beautiful. Using a waterproof body foundation will make it last longer and give your body a healthy shine.

4. Highlight your best feature

Make up highlighter is a great way to accentuate your best feature. This pen is a great make up kit used to highlight cheek bones, under the eye brows, on the forehead etc. Finally use a bit of face powder, nothing shiny!

Preferably use a matte powder for a radiant and complete look. Add a bit of blush, dab on a bit of gloss and eye makeup and you will look stunning. Always remember that makeup highlights your existing beauty and doing it the right way will make a world of a difference.

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