4 Natural ways to bleach teeth

Bleach teeth

Credit your DNA for the white sparkling teeth you have. But if you do not happen to have them, there is a reason to smile. You can get a fresh and radiant appeal for yourself by bleaching your teeth. And, what else could be more rewarding than the natural methods which can give the shine you always longed for?

Women have a strong desire for possessing shinning teeth which they can easily reveal through their smiles. The chemical teeth whiteners can be expensive and burdening for your teeth. They can cause sensitivity and teeth ache. However, if you wish to try any of the home remedies, be careful. Avoid potential damage particularly to the protective enamel covering the teeth. You may want to attempt some safe, economical and natural remedies for bleaching your teeth to perfection.

1. Hydrogen Peroxide: Hydrogen peroxide works well as a bleach, unlike several other exterior natural whitening components. It works on the stains on your enamel and the dentin. You can use it as a mouthwash instead of the usual ones. The mouthwash can be made by mixing about half cup of water in ¾ tbsp of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Avoid swallowing it. You may rinse with normal water after using this solution to reduce the possibility of gum sensitivity and irritation. Swishing kills bacteria and cleans your teeth like sparkling white. Do not overdo the mouthwash. Two times a day should be fine.

2. Baking Soda: Baking soda is effective natural bleach. The anti acid properties protect the enamel from acid attacks. It can easily dissolve, remove stains from your teeth and protect against plaque. The anti fungal characteristic of baking soda makes it a preferred dental cleaner. You may replace baking soda for your usual toothpaste. But avoid overusing it. Prepare a thick paste by mixing baking soda, coarse sea salt and some water. Baking soda might irritate your gums. Carefully read the warnings on the box and pay special attention to age warnings, if any. Keep away from the internal use of baking soda if you are follow a sodium restricted diet. It has high levels of sodium which can be harmful.

3. Fruits: Include those fruits in your diet that can clean up. Some can naturally remove stain from your teeth. Strawberry can be one such option to help remove stain from teeth. To use strawberries, prepare a fine paste by mixing some baking soda as well. Apply the paste over your teeth. However, remove the paste within 15 minutes. Prolonged use can harm the enamel. You should brush your teeth after using this paste. Lemon juice also works as a stain remover but being acidic, it needs to be rinsed shortly after applying.

Strawberry seeds may damage your teeth and gums when you brush too hard. If you want to use them, rinse your mouth carefully with clean water and then brush your teeth after every use.

4. Diet: Natural tooth whitening is possible by including those food items in your daily diet which have low sugar content. Rough, crunchy fruits and vegetables are good for your teeth and the digestive system also. Include cucumber, radish, carrot, cereal, grains in your food chart. They can scrub your teeth and reduce staining. Consume them fresh before they become soggy. The more biting and chewing you do, the better scrubbing of teeth will be done. Avoid food items which have lots of pigment. Tea, dark soda, soy sauce, etc. can easily stain your teeth.

When consuming any of the staining or acidic food items, swish around some fresh water right after. This will prevent stain formation and promote oral hygiene.

You should be careful and alert while adopting any of the mentioned natural teeth whitening methods. If there is a feel of discomfort in your teeth, gums, or any mouth part, immediately contact your dentist. Remember that individual body composition is unique. What suits me may not necessarily suit you. If you face any trouble, discontinue the technique and get expert advice.

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