5 Nail art trends not worth following

Worse nail art trends

Nail art is the latest fashion trend. From glittery nails to accessorized nails, there are varied nail styles. Nevertheless, not all are worth following. Therefore, if you are planning to go for a nail art, here are some nail art trends you should avoid.

1. Fake fingernails

Considered a fashionable accessory, artificial or fake fingernails might be followed by many fashion trendy teens, but it comes with its own disadvantages. From pulling up your jeans to even picking up the keys, with the long fake nails glued to your real nails, you can hardly do anything that require using your fingers.

2. French manicures

Some people consider French manicure as an elegant style of beautifying their nails. You might have also tried such manicures in a belief that you are giving a classy treatment to your nails. Unfortunately, it is so not true. My research encountered many editorial articles that classify French manicure déclassé.

3. Nail arts

While getting flower or leopard print on a fingernail most certainly enhance the beauty of your hand, but the repetitive floral prints adorning your entire hands look over-experimented and unbearably tacky. Rather, copying the same nail art to all the nails, try variations to avoid going overboard.

4. Fingernails of varying lengths

Why would anyone want to attempt this foolishly appearing nail art? Unfortunately, there are some, who find it over-attractive. As what I firmly believe, nails varying in lengths don’t only look stupid, but as they grow, they tend to appear dorkier than before. Furthermore, because one nail is either extremely longer or shorter than the next one, they aren’t very durable and break easily. One more thing, long nails are not in fashion these days, so try to keep your nails short.

5. Under-maintained nails

Polishing your fingernails irregularly, chewing your nails often or ignoring them even though half the shades of the nail polish have been removed off your nails, all fall under” poorly maintained” nails. However, if your laziness stops you from being careful about your adorned fingernails, avoid using dark colored nail polish and try light or clear shade. With that said, you could either choose squared nails or short rounded nails to beautify your nails.

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