Debusting hair loss myths

Hair Loss Myths

Many of us face hair loss woes and when hair starts falling off we tend to worry a lot. In your efforts to stop your balding, we take heed of counsel pouring in from almost everywhere. But we should know how to separate fact from fiction. There are many myths associated with hair loss and thinning. Be sure to listen to important advise only. Learn enough on hair loss and balding to tackle the situation judiciously. Here are a few common myths on hair loss.

1. Maternal genes

It’s true that hair loss is determined by genetic factors but believing that only your maternal side is responsible for it just not fair. Genetically, both are parents help to influence our hair loss patterns. So if both parents suffer from hair fall then you are much more likely to fall prey to this havoc. Also, consider your extended family like aunts, uncles and grandparents to understand if you will face a hair loss problem.

2. Falling hair indicates balding

Many a times, we have large bunches of hair that come off whenever we comb or shampoo. We worry that we are going bald. But nothing could be further from the truth. If this is happening then you need to see a doctor. When you are balding a process called miniaturization occurs. In this your hair strands are replaced by thinner ones affecting the thickness of your hair.

3. Low blood flow to the scalp causes hair loss

If you have enough hair on your scalp then blood will definitely flow to it to supply nutrition. When you have lesser hair, blood flow naturally decreases. So blood flow to the scalp never really decreases causing hair to fall out. Therefore that trick of standing on your head, increasing bloof flow to scalp and boosting hair growth is rendered futile.

4. Clogged pores make you go bald

Blocked pores can in no way inhibit the growth of your hair can cause you to become bald. They only cause acne and indicate you don’t keep your scalp as clean. Also, there is hair trapped beneath sebum, oil or dirt in your hair. They cannot stop any hair from coming up on the scalp.

5. Shampooing causes hair loss

Although some amount of hair falls off when we shampoo, it cannot make us go bald. Shampooing less often will only adversely affect the health of our hair. Hereditary hair loss is not affected by the frequency of hair washes.

6. Bugs in your hair

Common pests found in and around our bed and pillow cannot trigger hair loss. Mites and other organisms cannot cause hair to fall off.

7. Hair styling equipment

Blow dryers and hair irons damage you hair follicles. They make hair strands weak and cause them to break easily. But this type of hair loss is only temporary and hair will grow back again. Same goes for perms, hair sprays, and colors. Also, toweling cannot cause hair to fall or enhance its growth. To minimize hair falling off just use equipment with heed and to the minimal.

8. Tight hairdos

Some of us tie back our hair taut stretching them out. Ponytails, buns and plaits tied stiff can also cause hair to fall off, but then again only temporarily. Also wearing a snug base ball cap, beanie, or hat can do some damage like make hair brittle. But the view that caps and hats affect blood flow to the scalp is absolutely baseless. So while styling hair, try to keep tresses relaxed so that they don’t break off.

9. Haircuts and brushing will help

Your hair will not grow out denser after you’ve had a haircut. It simply doesn’t affect the growth pattern of hair. Also, some people believe that brushing triggers circulation on the scalp and helps hair to grow thicker. False again, brushing only disentangles hair and over brushing can cause hair to break and fall off.

10. Sex affects hair loss

It is a myth that having sex can either boost hair growth. It is only heredity and nutrition that affect your hair fall pattern.

11. Miracle medicines

We come across a number of advertisements about oils, pills and tonics that can grow back your hair. But sadly no such miracle drug has been discovered. Also it is an erroneous notion that intake of vitamin pills can improve hair growth. Don’t fall prey to such gimics.

12. If you were a bald baby then hair will fall off faster

When toddlers don’t have hair growing out in time then it simply means that their genes are not active yet. It doesn’t have any effect on their hair growth patterns later on in life.

13. Only men suffer from hereditary hair loss

This isn’t true at all, even though the number of men facing balding problems are greater than women. About 40% of the women also go through hair loss problems due to heredity.

14. Hair loss will stop after a certain age

Once you start to loose out hair it seldom stops, especially if your hair fall is genetic. If you start losing hair when you are much younger there are greater chances that you will go bald when you are grown old.

15. No cure

It is false to believe that hair loss cannot be cured. There are many tropical and natural therapies available. You can pop hair growth stimulators like Rogaine and Propecia. Hair transplant surgery is also a good resort.

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