Does sunshine lead to skin repair?

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Sunshine is not always bad for your skin, as usually it is considered. A new study has tried to bring out the brighter side sunshine. Actually, it has been found that a blast of sunshine could help skin diseases and cancer by attracting immune cells to the skin surface.

Further, the same study states that when skin is exposed to sunlight then the immune cells in the skin, called dendritic cells, convert vitamin D3 into its active form, which prompts T-cells to come nearer to the uppermost layer of the skin. And this whole process ultimately leads to the destruction of the infected cells, lurking amid healthy skin cells that pave way for several skin diseases and even skin cancer. Shattering the myth that sun exposure is only bad, team member Hekla Sigmundsdottir avers, ‘Sunshine is good for you, as long as it’s not too much.’

This study is no doubt quite significant, however, it is worth mentioning that this is not the first study that has come out propounding several health benefits of enjoying sunshine. At the same time, it would not be right to keep a blind eye to the various side effects of sunshine, which previous studies have fused with sun exposure. Here is a briefing of such studies:-

Brighter side:-

Sunshine ‘might stop skin cancer’.

Sunshine and Skin Cancer.

Sunshine is good for you.

Follow the sun.

Sunshine and milk can halt prostrate cancer spread.

Darker side:-

Sunshine on my shoulders makes me … prone to skin cancer?

Tans, Sunshine, Skin Damage and Skin Cancer.

Lipstick and sunshine harms the skin.

Image credit: Lifestyle Beauty

Via: New Scientist

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