MenEssentials’ grooming range for the African Male

ikhalaA product release on skin care for men has reported about the launch of a grooming range, called as African Male, exclusively designed for Black Men, by online retailer of men’s skin care productMenEssentials.

The grooming range is reported to consist of shower gel, face wash, facial scrub, shaving gel, moisturizing cream, eye cream, hair gel, and hair gel with protein.

These products claim to contain a special form of Aloe Vera called as Aloe Ferox, which is reported to hydrate the dry skin of the African men. The distribution of this product is jointly carried out by the Geneva-based International Trade Centre and implemented by African Aloe (South Africa), Eastern Cape Development Corporation, and the Xhosa aloe harvesters, refiners and distributors of the Ikhala Cooperative.

This product not only claims to improve the skin of African American males but also the living standards of the ural South African Xhosa cooperatives. This product uses Aloe Vera as the base and if its formulations really fulfill the challenging task of improving the challenged skin texture of African men then it has got its click in the market.

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