Does Naturtint hair color take same time as Aveda to color hair properly?

I am new to coloring my hair, as I could never rely on chemical hair color after looking at the condition of my friend’s hair. She has quite nice hair, but when she started coloring her hair, they became gray soon, and now at 16, she needs to dye her hair every weekend. I wanted to know whether Naturtint hair color is safe and natural enough to use for a newbie at hair coloring, because under natural hair color, I could see Aveda and Naturtint as the only brands that were nice. However, my mom uses Aveda and I think it is quite time consuming. Do you think Naturtint hair color takes equal duration to set well in hair? Moreover, is it possible to keep hair smooth and hassle free after applying Naturtint? I would be really grateful for an appropriate advice from a hair color expert at the earliest possible! Please suggest!

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