The perfect facial mask for 7 skin types

Perfect facial mask

Facial skin is comparatively more sensitive and hence needs more care. Skin types differ from person to person and so differs their treatments. While adopting a facial skin care routine, it is essential to choose a right face mask suitable to the needs of your skin type. We have put together a few effective home made facial mask recipes for each skin type to help you get started.

1. Normal skin

If you are looking for just the perfect exfoliating agents for your normal skin types you can try a walnut and yoghurt mask. All you need to do is take equal proportions of perfectly ground walnuts and yoghurt and mix them well, rub the mixture on your face soothingly and rinse it off with warm water. In fact you can also try a mask of banana, yoghurt and honey. You need to add 2 table spoons of yoghurt and 1 table spoon of honey to half a mashed banana. Apply the mixture on your face and leave it for ½ an hour before you wash off your face.

2. Dry skin

If your skin is dry it needs moisture to make it look fresh. Avocados are known as amazing natural moisturizers. To make this mask you need to blend together one small Avocado, one ounce of orange juice, 1teaspoon of both molasses and honey. Apply the mixture on your face and leave it for half an hour, with a soft damp cloth wipe of the mask.

3. Oily skin

If you have oily skin you need to wash off the excess oil. Mix 6drops of lemon juice and 6drops of witch hazel to egg white and whisk the mixture well, leave the mixture on your face for 15minutes before you wash it off.

4. Acne prone skin

Acne is a serious skin problem. You need a mask that can strongly fight acne for which you need to grate an apple and add 5tablespoons of warm honey to it. Leave the mixture on your face for not more than 10 minutes and wash it off with cold water.

5. Combination skin

Combination skin is easy to deal with; all you need to do is soak 4-5 rose petals in 5tablespoon of water overnight. First thing in the morning, mash these petals in water with the help of a fork, strain the water and add 1tablespoon of yoghurt and honey to the water. Apply the mixture on your face and leave it on for 20minutes before washing it off.

6. Sensitive skin

Plain warm honey works wonders for your sensitive skin, as it helps soothe your skin. All you need to do is apply this warm honey on your face and leave it on for 15minutes before washing off your face.

7. Sunburned skin

Irritated skin needs to be taken care of. To sooth such skin you can mix one cup of oatmeal and one cup of yoghurt, gently apply the mixture on your face and leave it on for 15minutes before you wash it off.

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