Serum infused Gloves and Booties for manicures and pedicures

pedicure111Manicures and Pedicures can take lots of time and with new technologies coming up in spas and salons, this becomes a costlier affair.

At the outset Thera:Vie Innovative Healing Therapy presents Thera:Vie Gloves and Booties that claim to give hands and feet perfect shimmer by infusing it with essential antioxidants and oils like hazelnut, safflower and grapeseed oils along with Vitamins A&E.

The serum penetrates the three layers of the skin moisturizing them from inside in not more than 20 minutes. You just have to put the gloves and the booties and sit back with a face mask.

Reported to be one of the most expensive serum in skin creams, it is now available at the online retail store of Taking Water for $2/pair for Gloves and $2.50/pair for Booties only.

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