How to shave legs for a sexy look

Shaving legs

Beautiful legs require a lot of effort. You not only need to exercise to keep them toned and well in shape, you also need to take care of their appearance by removing the hair from them. Beautifully toned legs also lose their charm if they remain covered with hair. It is very important to keep the legs hair free for a well groomed and sexy look. There are various ways to remove hair, but the easiest and quickest way to remove hair at home is through shaving. Here, we present you a step by step guide to remove hair in an efficient manner.

Complexity level: Easy

Time required: 20 minutes

Resources Required:

1. Shaving Cream

2. Double Blade Razor

3. Water

4. Moisturizer


1. Gather the required items all at once

  • After collecting all the required items, it will be best if you can head for a shower.
  • Take a warm shower for some time or simply stand in tepid water for some time. The warm water will help soften your hair.

2. Wash your legs well

  • Wash your legs thoroughly with good quality soap in order to disinfect your legs. Even of you accidentally cut your legs while shaving, washing with soap will ensure that you don’t pick any infection.

3. Apply shaving cream

  • Now pull your one leg up either on the bath tub or somewhere where you can access your leg from ankle to hip.
  • Take some shaving cream in your hands and lather the area you want to shave.

4. Use razor

  • Place the razor at the bottom of your leg and slowly pull up the razor towards the knee. Don’t press the razor very strongly. It can bruise your legs. The blades will remove the hair easily even when you use the razor gently.

5. Rinse the blade

  • After each stroke, rinse the blade and continue using it against the hair growth. Repeat the same procedure with another leg.

7. Pat legs dry

  • Rinse both the legs with plain water and pat towel on them to dry them. Do not rub towel on the shaved legs as it can cause some kind of irritation on them.

8. Apply lotion

  • Apply some good quality body lotion or moisturizer on your legs for keeping dryness at bay.

Frequently asked questions

I often feel dryness on my legs after shaving. Why so?

Basically when you shave your legs you also exfoliate them. This exfoliation causes dryness and if you do not apply any kind of moisturizer or body lotion after shaving, the chances are that your skin gets drier than before. The best way out is to apply lotion on the legs when the skin is still damp just after shaving. That way the moisturizer will seal in the moisture in your skin and you will not feel dryness thereafter.

For how long can I use the same blade for the purpose of shaving legs?

It is advisable that you replace the blade from the razor frequently. You can use the same blade for two times and then can replace it. Also, it is advisable that you use the same disposable razor for 2 – 3 times only. Thereafter discard the old one and get a new one. Sharp blades not only give you good results they are safe also.

Things to watch out for:

1. Always use razor after taking a bath with warm water. Warm water makes the hair soft and hence they come out smoothly after bath.

2. Never use disposable razor for more than three times. It can give you infections if you keep using the same razor.

Quick tips:

1. It is better to shave your legs with sharp blades rather than blunt blades as they give better finish and are safer than the dull blades.

2. If you notice any kind of mildew or fungus growing on your razor, never use them. They can cause serious infections.

3. Never share your razors with your friends or pals. It is always safe to use your own razor rather than sharing them.

4. While shaving around your knees and ankles, be very cautious. Since these areas are irregular in shape, people tend to cut them while shaving. Go slow when you shave these areas.

5. In case you have go some nicks and cuts while shaving, dont panic. Simply dot these areas with small pieces of toilet papers. This will help in stopping the bleeding. After a while remove the paper pieces and apply some antiseptic cream.

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