Spearmint tea: Perfect solution to get rid of excess body hair

spearmint tea 64Women fed up by using hair-removing solutions, painful waxing procedures now may have a sigh of relief because just having a few mugs of spearmint tea has been found helpful in treating women with an unsightly condition that causes excess hair growth on their face, breasts and stomach.

Turkish reports hurled this notion after studying the impact of spearmint tea drinking on 21 women for five days. Commonly excess facial and body hair growth problems occurs in women due to higher level of testosterone hormone and spearmint tea combats this unwanted condition, also known as hirsutism by bring down the level of testosterone hormone. Justifying spearmint tea’s efficacy researchers concluded:

Spearmint can be an alternative to antiandrogenic treatment for mild hirsutism. However, further studies are needed for testing the reliability and availability of spearmint as a drug for hirsutism.

Normally, oral contraceptives and other drug treatments are used to treat women suffering from such condition. However, this new way to treating hirsutism is quite natural, which I believe would be adopted by most of the women facing such situation. It is worth mentioning that spearmint is already well known due to its medicinal properties and normally used for treating indigestion, nausea, vomiting, common cold, cough, sinusitis, fever and bronchitis and now it would be known for treating hirsutism too.

Image credit: Jupiter images

Via: Reuters

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