Zeno heat kills pimple-causing bacteria before they pop-up

skin careA new heat treatment called as Zeno is recently developed to clear out pimples even before they pop-out on skin. Reports provide that this skin-care product is the first FDA approved medicinal device to treat acne and pimples. The usage is all about holding the activated device on the affected area for two minutes only. To quote facial plastic surgeon Peter Schmid:

It’s more to treat that on-coming acne very early in the cycle.

In a nutshell the effectiveness of heat to kill bacteria is applies in this area to treat pimples. Heat application is the age-old therapy to cure boils, where hot pads increase the circulation of the affected area and allow the body to better fight off the infection by bringing antibodies and white blood cells to the site of infection. It is a real breakthrough to implement the same therapy in Zeno, for pimples and customers have found their refuge in it. To sum-up with a customer Georgia Viret: I can depend on this getting rid of my pimple or blemish, literally in 24 to 48 hours which is great.

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